An e-book (short for electronic book) is a digital asset it is an online version of a physical copy of a book converted into digital form. An ebook, also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices.
E-books tend to be cheaper to buy and sometimes even free to read. Many titles are available in both printed versions and digital formats, including bestselling fiction, classics, and reference texts. Ebooks can consist simply of electronic text or may also contain extras, such as audio, video, or hyperlinks.
Often authors who write books, also offer the book in different formats such as HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi, AZW, AZW3, and IBA.
Books can be converted into an e-book in the cloud, on your laptop using a book editor or hire somebody to do the conversion.
There are many software tools that you can use to convert your books into various formats.
What are the advantages of ebooks?
- Speed: Providing the title you want is available, the book can be downloaded immediately to the device of your choosing.
- Portability: Many books can be carried on one device – ideal for travelers. PDAs are the perfect medium for guidebooks. Furthermore heavy textbooks can be eliminated especially for young children carrying rucksacks of books to school.
- Print on demand: Books need never go out of print because even if the publishing house is no longer around your book will be on a server somewhere.
- Interactivity: Unlike traditional books that eventually get damaged from wear and tear, there is no need to dog-ear pages. Readers can take notes, underline, bookmark pages, search and gain extra information through hyperlinks, simply by using the settings. Your book will be preserved forever.
- Personalization: For people that are visually impaired and may struggle with small print and e-books has back-lighting and font size customization.
- Add-ons: Many ebooks have searchable text features, dictionaries, and other useful add-ons to make your reading experience more pleasurable.
- Open market: By publishing electronically, authors can bypass the publishing process and are able to market their books more easily.
- Environmentally friendly: One of the best things about e-books it help to save trees and the planet and no carbon emissions by delivering physical hard copies.
What are the disadvantages of having ebooks?
- Unfortunately, a lot of authors have not mastered the creation of e-books which in turn makes the number of books available in ebook format is still quite limited.
- Most formats of ebooks other than PDF are downloaded onto a computer, ebooks generally speaking cannot be printed out.
- Again unless the ebooks are in PDF or HTML format, ebooks are not always available in a Mac-friendly format.